9 Fun and Effective ESL Games for English Learners

This article, titled “9 Fun and Effective ESL Games for English Learners,” provides a comprehensive overview of various games that can enhance the process of learning English. From adults to high school students, middle school students to kids, this article covers different age groups and offers engaging activities such as 20 Questions, Heads Up!, Alibi, Johnny Grammar Word Challenge, Quizlet, Categories, Scramble Words, and Running Dictation. Along with highlighting these games, the article emphasizes the importance of learning with a tutor and introduces Preply, an online platform that facilitates private English lessons. Offering learning suggestions for English learners, this article aims to assist individuals in mastering the skills of writing, speaking, and reading English quickly and adeptly.

ESL Games for Adults

9 Fun and Effective ESL Games for English Learners

Get These ESL Games Now

20 Questions

20 Questions is a classic game that can be adapted for English as a Second Language (ESL) learners. The objective of the game is for the players to guess the word or phrase that the designated player is thinking of within 20 questions. This game is not only entertaining, but it also helps improve vocabulary, critical thinking skills, and sentence structure for adult learners. It encourages creative thinking and fosters communication in English.

Heads Up!

Heads Up! is an interactive and engaging ESL game for adults that focuses on improving vocabulary and enhancing communication skills. In this game, participants take turns holding a card above their heads, facing away from them, which displays a word or phrase. The other players then provide clues or act out the word or phrase until the person holding the card guesses correctly. This game encourages quick thinking, teamwork, and vocabulary expansion.


Alibi is a role-playing game that promotes interactive communication and problem-solving skills. The game requires players to create a fictional scenario and develop an alibi for a given situation. The players then take turns acting as an investigator, asking questions and trying to find holes in each other’s alibis. This game not only enhances vocabulary and conversation skills but also encourages critical thinking and the ability to construct coherent arguments and explanations in English.

ESL Games for High School Students

Johnny Grammar Word Challenge

Johnny Grammar Word Challenge is a fun and educational ESL game designed specifically for high school students. The game tests students’ knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure through multiple-choice questions. It covers various topics, such as verb tenses, adjectives, adverbs, and sentence formation. This game not only reinforces grammar rules but also helps students expand their vocabulary and improve their overall understanding of English language structure.


Quizlet is a versatile online study platform that offers various ESL games and activities for high school students. It allows students to create flashcards and study sets based on their individual learning needs. These sets can be used for interactive games like matching, multiple-choice quizzes, and timed challenges. Quizlet provides an engaging and interactive way for high school students to practice vocabulary, grammar, and other language skills.

ESL Games for Middle School Students


Categories is a vocabulary-building game that can be enjoyed by middle school students. In this game, players take turns naming words within a specific category, such as animals, countries, or food. Each word must start with the last letter of the previous word mentioned. This game not only encourages creativity and quick thinking but also enhances spelling and vocabulary skills.

Scramble Words

Scramble Words is a challenging yet enjoyable game for middle school students that focuses on spelling and word recognition. In this game, participants are given a jumbled arrangement of letters and must rearrange them to form words within a given time limit. This game improves not only spelling and vocabulary skills but also sharpens problem-solving and critical thinking abilities.

ESL Games for Kids

9 Fun and Effective ESL Games for English Learners

Purchase These ESL Games For English Learners

Running Dictation

Running Dictation is a lively and interactive game suitable for kids learning English. In this game, children work in pairs or small groups. One student runs to a text displayed on the wall, reads a sentence, remembers it, and runs back to their group to dictate what they read. The other students listen and write down the sentence. This game enhances reading, writing, and listening skills while also promoting teamwork and cooperation among young learners.

Importance of Learning with a Tutor

Benefits of a Private English Tutor

Learning with a private English tutor offers numerous advantages for individuals looking to improve their language skills. Firstly, tutors provide personalized attention and instruction according to the learner’s specific needs and proficiency level. They can target areas of weakness and focus on individual language goals, resulting in more effective learning outcomes. Tutors also offer immediate feedback and corrections, which significantly enhance language acquisition and fluency. Additionally, tutors can provide guidance and resources tailored to the learner’s interests and learning style, making the learning experience more enjoyable and engaging.

Preply’s Online Lessons with Private English Tutors

Preply is an online platform that offers private English lessons with experienced tutors. These online lessons provide flexibility and convenience as learners can choose their own schedule and study from the comfort of their homes. Preply’s extensive network of tutors ensures that learners can find a tutor who suits their specific needs and learning goals. The one-on-one nature of these lessons allows for personalized instruction, immediate feedback, and tailored resources. With Preply, individuals can have access to highly qualified tutors from around the world, creating an optimal learning environment for English language acquisition.

20 Questions

How to Play

  1. Choose a designated player to think of a word or phrase.
  2. The other players take turns asking yes or no questions to determine the word or phrase within 20 questions.
  3. The designated player can only respond with “yes,” “no,” or “I don’t know.”
  4. If the players guess the word or phrase within 20 questions, they win. If not, the designated player wins.

Learning Objectives

  • Improve vocabulary and word association skills.
  • Enhance critical thinking and deductive reasoning abilities.
  • Practice forming grammatically correct questions in English.
  • Foster communication and listening skills.


  • Time limit: Players must guess the word or phrase within a specified time limit instead of a set number of questions.
  • Category specific: Players focus on a particular category, such as animals, food, or famous people, to narrow down the possibilities.
  • Team play: Players can be divided into teams, competing against each other to guess the word or phrase in the shortest number of questions.

Heads Up!

How to Play

  1. Each player takes turns holding a card above their head without looking at it.
  2. The other players give clues or act out the word or phrase on the card until the person holding the card guesses correctly.
  3. The person holding the card has a limited amount of time to guess.
  4. If the person holding the card guesses correctly, they receive a point. The player with the most points at the end wins.

9 Fun and Effective ESL Games for English Learners

Learning Objectives

  • Expand vocabulary and improve word recognition skills.
  • Enhance communication and descriptive skills.
  • Practice quick thinking and decision-making abilities.
  • Develop teamwork and cooperation among players.


  • Charades: Instead of giving verbal clues, players can only use gestures and actions to convey the word or phrase.
  • Taboo: Players give clues to describe the word or phrase without using certain “taboo” words related to it.
  • Category specific: Players focus on a specific category, such as occupations, sports, or movies, to make the game more challenging.


How to Play

  1. Players create a fictional scenario, with each participant developing an alibi for a given situation or crime.
  2. Each player takes turns acting as an investigator, asking questions and trying to find holes in the alibis provided.
  3. The players must construct convincing explanations and arguments to defend their alibi.
  4. The investigator chooses the most plausible alibi or identifies inconsistencies in the explanations.

Learning Objectives

  • Improve conversation and storytelling skills.
  • Enhance critical thinking and analytical skills.
  • Develop the ability to construct coherent arguments and explanations in English.
  • Encourage active listening and questioning techniques.


  • Role reversal: Players take turns playing both the investigator and the person with the alibi.
  • Evidence gathering: Players must present evidence supporting their alibi or disproving other players’ alibis.
  • Time limit: Players must provide their alibi within a specific time limit, promoting quick thinking and decision-making abilities.

Johnny Grammar Word Challenge

How to Play

  1. Participants are presented with multiple-choice questions that test their knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure.
  2. Players choose the correct answer from the given options.
  3. The game tracks the number of correct answers and provides instant feedback.
  4. Points are awarded based on the number of correct answers.

Learning Objectives

  • Reinforce grammar rules and enhance understanding of sentence structure.
  • Expand and improve vocabulary.
  • Practice reading comprehension and critical thinking skills.
  • Foster self-assessment and self-directed learning.


  • Timed challenge: Players must answer the questions within a specific time limit, promoting quick thinking and decision-making abilities.
  • Topic specific: Players focus on a specific grammar topic, such as verb tenses or prepositions, to deepen their understanding in that area.
  • Multiplayer mode: Players can compete against each other, with the highest score winning the game.

Preply’s Online Lessons with Private English Tutors


Preply offers online lessons with private English tutors, providing learners with personalized instruction tailored to their specific needs. The platform connects learners with highly qualified tutors from around the world, ensuring a wide range of teaching styles, expertise, and cultural backgrounds. Preply’s online lessons offer flexibility, convenience, and the opportunity to learn from the comfort of one’s home. Whether learners are beginners or advanced English speakers, Preply caters to their individual learning goals and pace.


  • Personalized instruction: Tutors customize lessons according to learners’ needs, focusing on specific language skills, areas of weakness, or interests.
  • One-on-one interaction: Learners receive individual attention, immediate feedback, and corrections, maximizing learning outcomes.
  • Flexible scheduling: Learners can choose lesson times that work best for them, accommodating their personal and professional commitments.
  • Varied teaching approaches: Tutors employ various teaching methods, resources, and materials to engage learners and cater to diverse learning styles.
  • Broad range of proficiency levels: Preply tutors offer lessons for beginners, intermediate learners, and advanced speakers, meeting learners at their current level and helping them progress.

How to Get Started

  1. Create a Preply account.
  2. Browse through the available tutors and read their profiles, reviews, and teaching styles.
  3. Select a tutor based on your preferences and learning goals.
  4. Schedule a trial lesson with the chosen tutor to assess compatibility and teaching style.
  5. Book ongoing lessons at a time that suits your schedule.
  6. Start learning English with a private tutor who will guide you towards achieving your language goals.

In conclusion, incorporating ESL games into language learning can make the process more enjoyable and effective for individuals of all ages. Whether it’s 20 Questions or Alibi for adults, Johnny Grammar Word Challenge or Quizlet for high school students, Categories or Scramble Words for middle school students, or Running Dictation for kids, these games offer interactive and engaging ways to improve vocabulary, grammar, critical thinking, and communication skills. Furthermore, learning with a private English tutor, like those available on Preply, provides personalized attention, immediate feedback, and tailored resources for individuals seeking to enhance their language proficiency. By incorporating these games and utilizing the guidance of experienced tutors, English learners can optimize their learning journey and achieve language fluency in a fun and effective manner.

Click Here To Buy ESL Games For English Learners

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