14 Best Podcasts for Learning English in 2023

This article presents a comprehensive list of the 14 best podcasts for learning English in 2023. It caters to both beginners and advanced learners, recommending podcasts such as the Learn English Podcast from the British Council, Voice of America: Learning English, 6-Minute English from the BBC, and The English We Speak for beginners. Intermediate and advanced learners are encouraged to try podcasts like English Learning for Curious Minds by Leonardo English, All Ears English, and Espresso English. Alongside the podcast recommendations, the article provides valuable tips for effective learning, including starting with podcasts that focus on learning, utilizing text accompaniment, noting new vocabulary, adjusting the audio speed, avoiding multitasking, and incorporating podcasts into daily routines. By embracing the benefits of podcasts in language learning, individuals can enhance their English writing, speaking, and reading skills in a swift and proficient manner.

14 Best Podcasts for Learning English in 2023

Top English Learning Podcasts

Podcasts for Beginners

Learn English Podcast from the British Council

The Learn English Podcast from the British Council is an excellent resource for beginners who are looking to improve their English skills. Each episode focuses on a specific topic and includes conversations, vocabulary explanations, and interactive exercises. The podcast covers a wide range of topics, from everyday conversations to more complex subjects, making it a comprehensive resource for beginners.

Voice of America: Learning English

Voice of America: Learning English is another podcast specifically designed for English language learners. This podcast provides news articles that are read at a slower pace, allowing beginners to follow along and understand the content more easily. The episodes also include vocabulary explanations and quizzes to test comprehension. With a focus on current events and cultural topics, this podcast is a great way for beginners to improve their listening and learning skills.

6-Minute English from the BBC

For beginners who are short on time, 6-Minute English from the BBC is the perfect podcast. As the name suggests, each episode is only six minutes long, making it easy to incorporate into a daily routine. The podcast covers a wide range of topics, including science, culture, and technology, and includes interactive quizzes to test understanding. With its short and focused episodes, 6-Minute English is an ideal podcast for beginners who want to improve their listening and comprehension skills quickly.

The English We Speak

The English We Speak podcast is produced by the BBC and focuses on idioms and expressions commonly used in the English language. This podcast is particularly beneficial for beginners who want to expand their vocabulary and learn how to use idiomatic expressions in their English conversations. Each episode explains the meaning and usage of a specific expression, providing practical examples that learners can incorporate into their own speech. With its engaging format and focus on practical language usage, The English We Speak is a valuable resource for beginners.

Podcasts for Intermediate/Advanced Learners

English Learning for Curious Minds by Leonardo English

English Learning for Curious Minds by Leonardo English is a podcast designed for intermediate and advanced English learners who want to explore interesting topics while improving their language skills. Each episode focuses on a specific topic, such as history, science, or culture, and includes detailed explanations and discussions. The podcast provides transcripts and additional learning materials for further practice and comprehension. With its thought-provoking content and in-depth analysis, English Learning for Curious Minds is perfect for learners who want to expand their knowledge while honing their English skills.

All Ears English

All Ears English is a popular podcast for intermediate and advanced learners who want to improve their conversational English skills. The podcast features natural, everyday conversations between native English speakers, providing learners with exposure to authentic language use. Each episode includes vocabulary explanations, cultural insights, and tips for effective communication. All Ears English also offers additional resources, such as transcripts and study guides, to support learners in their language journey. With its focus on real-life conversations and practical language skills, All Ears English is a valuable tool for intermediate and advanced learners.

Espresso English

Espresso English is a podcast that offers daily English lessons for intermediate and advanced learners. Each episode provides concise and focused lessons on grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. The podcast covers a wide range of topics, from common grammar mistakes to idiomatic expressions, giving learners the opportunity to strengthen their language skills in various areas. Espresso English also provides downloadable worksheets and quizzes to reinforce learning. With its daily lessons and comprehensive coverage of different language aspects, Espresso English is a valuable resource for intermediate and advanced learners.

14 Best Podcasts for Learning English in 2023

Best Podcasts To Learn English

Tips for Effectively Learning English with Podcasts

Start with Podcasts that Focus on Learning

When starting your English learning journey with podcasts, it is beneficial to choose podcasts that are specifically designed for language learners. These podcasts often include vocabulary explanations, interactive exercises, and slower-paced speech to accommodate beginners. By starting with podcasts that focus on learning, you can build a solid foundation in English and gradually progress to more challenging content.

Listen with Text Accompaniment

To enhance your understanding of the podcasts, it is recommended to listen with text accompaniments, such as transcripts or subtitles. Many podcasts provide transcripts on their websites or through accompanying apps. Listening while reading along can help reinforce vocabulary, improve comprehension, and develop pronunciation skills. By utilizing text accompaniment, you can ensure that you are fully benefiting from the podcasts and maximizing your language learning potential.

Make Note of New Vocabulary

As you listen to podcasts, make it a habit to note down any new vocabulary that you come across. This will help you expand your vocabulary and consolidate your learning. After listening to an episode, review the new words and try to use them in your own sentences. Regularly reviewing and using new vocabulary will strengthen your language skills and improve your overall fluency.

Slow Down the Audio

If you find the podcast episodes too fast-paced or challenging to follow, take advantage of features that allow you to slow down the audio. Many podcast apps and platforms offer the option to adjust the playback speed, allowing you to listen at a slower pace. Slowing down the audio can significantly improve your listening comprehension and enable you to catch nuances that you may have missed at normal speed.

Avoid Multitasking

To fully benefit from the podcasts, dedicate your full attention to the audio and avoid multitasking. Engage actively with the material by focusing solely on listening and understanding. By eliminating distractions and giving your complete attention to the podcasts, you can maximize your language learning experience and absorb the content more effectively.

Put Podcasts on in the Background

While active listening is important, passive exposure to the language can also be beneficial. Consider putting podcasts on in the background while engaging in other activities, such as cooking, exercising, or commuting. Even if you are not actively listening, your brain will still be exposed to the rhythms, intonations, and vocabulary of the English language. This passive exposure can aid in developing your listening skills and reinforcing your understanding of the language.

Benefits of Podcasts for Language Learning

Podcasts offer numerous benefits for language learners. Firstly, they provide authentic and natural language input, allowing learners to familiarize themselves with the sounds, intonations, and rhythms of the English language. By listening to real-life conversations and discussions, learners develop their listening skills and improve their ability to understand native speakers.

Podcasts also offer a wide variety of topics and genres, catering to different interests and learning preferences. Whether you are interested in news, culture, history, or science, there is a podcast out there that suits your interests. This variety keeps language learning interesting and engaging, motivating learners to continue their language journey.

Furthermore, podcasts are accessible and convenient. They can be easily downloaded or streamed on various devices, allowing learners to listen whenever and wherever they choose. This flexibility enables learners to incorporate podcasts into their daily routines, making consistent and regular language practice achievable.

In addition, many podcasts offer supplementary materials, such as transcripts, quizzes, and vocabulary exercises. These resources support learning and provide additional opportunities for practice and reinforcement. Learners can utilize these materials to further enhance their language skills and monitor their progress.

Overall, podcasts provide an immersive and interactive language learning experience. They expose learners to authentic language use, offer diverse topics and genres, and provide flexibility and convenience. By incorporating podcasts into your language learning routine, you can accelerate your progress and develop your English skills in a dynamic and enjoyable way.

14 Best Podcasts for Learning English in 2023


Incorporating podcasts into your language learning routine can be highly beneficial for improving your English skills. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, there are podcasts available to suit your needs and interests. By following the tips provided in this article, such as starting with podcasts that focus on learning, utilizing text accompaniment, making note of new vocabulary, and avoiding multitasking, you can effectively learn English through podcasts.

The benefits of podcasts for language learning are extensive. From providing authentic language input to offering flexibility and convenience, podcasts offer a rich and engaging learning experience. By incorporating podcasts into your daily life, you can immerse yourself in the English language, hone your listening skills, and expand your vocabulary.

So, why not start exploring the world of English language podcasts today? With a wide range of options and resources available, you can embark on a rewarding journey towards language fluency and enhanced communication skills. Happy learning!

Must-Listen English Learning Podcasts

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